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Never talk more than she does. Just wanted to add my input: LM, would never go out with you. Also consider how you are selecting who to meet and how you are showing up. Like any skill, pickup takes years to master. What Are Women Looking For? He wants stress relief in the form of a woman. Definately have solid friendship and strong love. Hunt Ethridge What is a date supposed to be? Take a 100% free czech republic dating site gothic dating totally free. He must have a vision of what he desires in a woman and a vision of the destination that he would like to lead them both. End the date properly. The goal of dating is to find someone who wants what you want, and wants that with you. Yep, a good many of us older, professional chix are protecting kik flirt uk where can i find an asian woman from further hurt, exploitation. That makes every experience — even this one — positive, right? Make sure you sign up now for my exclusive email newsletter to learn even more about first date tips and strategies for attracting and dating more women! Getting Past My List. And if you show sexual interest too late, you might miss the window of opportunity forever. Some nice men are just nice. They dress like crap and have terrible personal grooming habits. Escalation can happen very quickly, like when you meet a girl on a dance floor and bang her in the broom closet 5 minutes later, or it may be a three-date process, over a week or .

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Can you handle the truth? I was one of these wishy-washy women for a long time- forcing myself to accept 2nd and 3rd dates or more- yikes! Guess what—so is your date. I thought we had a really harmonious relationship, but he was just avoiding conflict and sucking up until he left and displayed a lot of disgruntled negativity, having expected some ideal that was unrealistic, and took a pretty self-centered and not very mature view of things. Ghosting is NOT allowed! No girl wants to jump in bed with a smelly man who lives in an apartment that looks like a crack house. Just from what I have observed! I do think it takes time to get to know each other and develop a relationship! No games. As the last member of family died a month ago my dad , being alone for good is my new reality. Just listened to a podcast with Evan Katz today and he flat out admitted that the first thing a man is looking for on a first date…or when he meets you in whatever setting and is attracted…is will he be able to get sex from you. It is my sincere belief that older men pursue younger women because they make them feel needed. I wish I were 20 years younger. I might be a bit extreme when it comes to paying on dates, but I never do it, no matter if I am in the USA or in the Philippines. I feel I have good qualities if a woman would just give me a chance.

She also frequently appears as a guest expert on TV shows across the globe. Let me know if LM breaks rich sugar daddies dating uk mature woman dating profile duty free with his current flame because I find him attractive and his ability to communicate is attractive. I regressed for fear of missing a potential opportunity. I just know, deep in my gut, that I truly want to stop suffering and that I must change ME to do so. Hi Victoria. I used to be like the women you described. Last but not least, observe, listen and be genuinely engaging. Hi Bobbi. I thoroughly enjoyed reading the expert tips, Justin. You GO Sherry! Recommended Reading Lubbock's List and More. Women cannot resist a strong presence from a man, so go in with confidence. Well, LM should know that women have the same problem that he does…. He must have a vision of what he desires in a woman and a vision of the destination that he would like to lead them both. But I also refuse to settle just so as not to be. This is best tinder bio men for getting laid 1on1 sex cam sites another opportunity to learn. If you set a standard and then follow through she will trust and respect you. Perhaps not as quickly as he wants it to…but it .

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How do you meet people? But then again, so are you sister! Great Fundamentals: Handling Your Intangibles. Ironically, dealing with the aftermath of my dads death on my home state the past few times, I have had dinner dates during both visits. Suzie is the founder of SingleDatingDiva. And keep in mind the only question with a first date is whether the two of you connected sufficiently to interact further. Women like to create a sense of mystery, and you should be conveying this yourself, too. The only thing that we need to work on is communication. Well, I am glad to heat there are some sane grounded men out there. Not nervous and stressed guy. You bet! I know communication is key, which we do well but a second opinion on my story would be awesome. Hi Paula, I have to say that this is uncommon. Follow their steps, and your next first date will go great! You are a Wow-Me woman, dear Rose. John Gray, Bas Rutten, Dr.

I referred him to your website. As a straight man at 59 all I hear from my single guy friends is how much they get laid I have had one girlfriend that told me I was the only tinder not matching android tinder gold heart on top that actually showed interest found my crush on tinder senior dating male female ratio her as a person not a sex object We what is the best site to find sex are any dating sites good for men up but it was mutual because of a distance thing and have remained good friends its not easy out there but i think you have to love yourself and not be self-centered about it before you are ready for a healthy relationship take care Don. Clear your mind and be open and cool with whatever happens. By trying new things, raising your fitness and health levels, consuming quality media, and surrounding yourself with creative people, you will become a more interesting and attractive person. Do you want it to be sexy? Bring on the best version of your authentic self. Maybe they have a culture or profession that brings women into their life, they have peers, or a big brother or cool uncle to learn from by osmosis. Do you want it to be playful? If you can't hook up in NYC, nothing we can say or do will help you. In my gut, I know that there are men out there for me with whom I can truly be happy and can trust. Kristina Lynn is one of the top women executives in the Matchmaking industry. Ironically, dealing with the aftermath of my dads death on my home state the past few times, I have had dinner dates during both visits.

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Do you want it hookup jacksonville fl how to save pictures off fetlife be sexy? Are you looking to fill a void, have fun, or find someone? He did it to help us —there was nothing in it for. You are so right on! Just for what he thinks and says. Make sure you have fresh breath 4. And I can give myself to and know that we can be come one. Perfect Just as You Are? I dont want to lose him ever but I wonder if me at 39 and sometimes a little more needy then him and have been tagged as very cute and sexy, fun and a little wild will grow tired on. A kiss at the end of a date is a great way to gauge whether there is potential geeks dating site ireland beautiful mature single women romance. And see what may come our way. That said, DC is very dude-friendly -- the city rocks What matters is if you can have fun together, and feel good about yourself in their presence.

The 11th-most-active Tinder city has almost three bars per thousand residents, and more women than men. She works with success driven individuals who desire more out of life and love through her signature group and one on one programs. Visit her site at kristiallain. But you need to at least achieve the minimum threshold of looks. You can learn a concept then immediately go out and try it. So please do share my email with LM — good to connect with open and loving people.. I kinda doubt it. I sure can relate to the game playing and being afraid to get hurt again excuses, I have come a long way and I have been healing from a bad experience for over 3 years.. Am I at ease with you, do our values mesh, are you at ease with me? I had the man that I thought and wanted was my long term partner. Women love to be heard and with the right questions she will warm to you and open up. My fear, I will live my life alone. Great and insightful questions posed here. Buddy…you are just as clueless as most men. Bad-mouth your exes 3. I hope you enjoyed this one! Compliment Her She took a lot of time and effort to get ready for a date with you, so make sure you notice and appreciate it by complimenting her.

10 Most Common Reasons Guys Can't Get Laid

Make sure you are well groomed; 8. Usually, the best men for me are older guys that are here for the races we have. You may be tossing away some good ones. Be a man with a plan. Create a little sexual tension before the date by sending her a flirty text message. Last but not least, be more interested than you are interesting. Check out her website laurayates. Brag about yourself 2. The key to quality escalation is that the progression feels smoothand not forced. I might be a bit extreme when it comes to paying on dates, but I never do it, no matter if I am in the USA or in the Philippines. You are about to read the honest, real, unvarnished truth about what a commitment minded, nice, cute, professional, divorced year-old man really wants from you. I do think it takes time to get to know each other and develop a relationship! Over the years of coaching, I have seen countless instances of men happily agreeing to wait funny african pick up lines what date did line five go online the woman to be ready. Hi Susan. Physical escalation includes things like: Hand holding Leg stroking Kissing Mutual caressing heavy petting Hair pulling Verbal escalation includes things like: Telling a girl straight up you want to sleep with her though that approach is a bit drastic Giving a compliment on her looks Talking about sexincluding examples from real-life experience, or pop culture Asking about should i reset my tinder account dating as an adult sexual preferences Describing your sexual preferences The goal of escalation is to put strapon hookup pay for sex local idea of her sleeping with you firmly in her mind. You have a date! He does seem like a great guy. That said, me may still be boring for you.

But you have ot know how to SEE them and give them a chance. Was there communication about your relationship as time went on? The on liners willing to drive here do so because they have few options in the cities down the hill. Just say no. Men who call women crazy should be avoided at all costs because this mentality betrays the thoughts of an emotional abuser. How do you meet people? I hope you can learn some new things that will help you see through your anger and, I assume, pain. First and foremost, be flexible and make time for a first date. In order to not seem like you are reading your bio or asking them interrogative questions, have conversations in a story telling style. Comb your hair. And they know my age, its there online and on my face. You are so right on! Open doors, pull out her chair and avoid nervous behaviors like biting the nails and fidgeting.

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Not nervous and stressed guy. You have to care deeply — and at least try. You read an awful lot into a very tiny little bit about a man. Hi Lisa. By trying new things, raising your fitness and health levels, consuming quality media, and surrounding yourself with creative people, you will become a more interesting and attractive person. In a comment. Last, but not least, kiss her when it feels right. Ww have girlfriends and guy friends. I like to use sports analogies. Make sure you look like a gentleman. That I can live with and marry him. I had to finally admit that I was the common denominator in all my crappy experiences. He shares his advice and adventures at globalseducer. If we didnt think this person would be comfortable with me sitting on his lap around a campfire or snuggling watching the game then they were out the door! Get a little physical—not in a sexual sense, but in an affectionate way. It lacks excitement and shouts uncertainty. Thanks for sharing. Wow, Josephine, I sure hope your friend is wrong!

Do NOT ask her about her ex or talk about yours. You seem to be attracting the wrong ones. That said, me may still be boring for you. But how do you deal with major issues, such as having dentures, due to no fault of your. By all means take a shower prior to the date and put on a small amount of cologne. That guy who makes me dizzy with pregnant women meet up one on one random sex chat kiss and I find everything about him so deliciously appealing. They need to be able to be our heroes. How fresh is the last break-up? Attention men! Laurel House If you are looking for a serious relationship, while chemistry is important, it is not the purpose of the first date. In order to not seem like you are reading your bio or asking them interrogative questions, have conversations in a story telling style. Am I at ease with you, do our values mesh, are you at ease with me? Be why dont i get more matches on tinder 2020 best online dating profiles for men, attentive and experiment with the dying art of flirting, if you are indeed actually interested. Guys who want to get laid with the eharmony voucher uk online dating advice blog girls — they go out a lot. For me, my best first date tip is to go in with a curiosity mentality. It gave me a totally new POV of assessing a potential relationship and fit within my style. Very Interesting articles. Why to Always Ask Girls This. No games, just friendship good times, and honesty. I would love to find a man that would take me out to dinner. Trying putting in the effort to get to know women as human beings first not as an accessory or someone to keep you entertained and you might be surprised what you .

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Make sure your ukraine dating websites free sexually open girls is fresh. Find out a little about what she likes and come up with a few options and be flexible. But the joy I have from being with him far outweighs. Care about how she gets home. For a complete bio on Justin click. Pull or trim those weird and creepy hairs from your nose and ears. Just hook up with that woman and have sex with her; 1. He never gave up. The first thing I am told is the size of their package. Here is a link to an excellent book on attachment theorybtw. The first time, I was shaking during the tel. How to Build a Harem, Pt. And yes, it may be your last first date.

LM ……………………………… Whew! Do you ever think about it? I have been confused by attitudes, behaviors and thrilled about the passions that I have been able to re-experience after so many years of listless marriage. Present both your attributes and baggage, because you both have some. Make her laugh and laugh WITH her. Find out a little about what she likes and come up with a few options and be flexible. The truth that I finally had to face was that I was creating my own shitty experiences. As a straight man at 59 all I hear from my single guy friends is how much they get laid I have had one girlfriend that told me I was the only guy that actually showed interest in her as a person not a sex object We split up but it was mutual because of a distance thing and have remained good friends its not easy out there but i think you have to love yourself and not be self-centered about it before you are ready for a healthy relationship take care Don. I hate the thought of you hanging on to these beliefs that I believe are standing right in your way of bringing love into your life, Lisa. She said there is no way a man that age would be interested in women over 50, That men his age can get and are only interested in women 10 plus years younger. Will never understand why men are so easy to buy houses and invest their money in finances ventures, but then they make such a fuss when it comes to marriage or comiitted relationships. For me the friendly approach LM is describing would be perfect, would give you both the time to get to know the true person and make your relationship decisions based on those discoveries. Bring on the best version of your authentic self. These are generally the best tips for the first date! Physical escalation includes things like: Hand holding Leg stroking Kissing Mutual caressing heavy petting Hair pulling Verbal escalation includes things like: Telling a girl straight up you want to sleep with her though that approach is a bit drastic Giving a compliment on her looks Talking about sex , including examples from real-life experience, or pop culture Asking about her sexual preferences Describing your sexual preferences The goal of escalation is to put the idea of her sleeping with you firmly in her mind. I referred him to your website. Get a little physical—not in a sexual sense, but in an affectionate way. Lastly, master the art of the follow-up.

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Here is an article about when men expect sex, written by a man. Just from what I have observed! Your advice is much more common sense! Social Media Links. I try to be authentic when I write and talk, and feel good about not just trying to get him to like me. Great article! Be rude to your date or wait staff 5. Lucia First Date Tips 1. Rebounding sucks. And that can co-exist with strong, courageous, steady, committed…many other things. I have a dick! Been divorced for 7 years, 2 short term and one 4 year relationship after a 28 year marriage. They just need to get some help or acknowledge that they are out of the partnering game. Night Game. He wants to help us all make better human connections!

And there are really really nice guys out. I may be reading this wrong, but Something to think. These ARE fears that are coming up. Awesome tips as. Flirt and maintain a certain amount of mystery. Love to hear from you. Hi Greg. Also, sounds like maybe your Man -Picking skills are off. I dont incel made tinder account how to date a girl through message to lose him ever but I wonder if me at 39 and sometimes a little more needy then him and have been tagged as very cute and sexy, fun and a little wild will grow tired on. I get it, Tommy. Yup, Susan. The Latest from GirlsChase. You may ask her for her input, but you should be the man and plan a creative unique date. Thanks for listening. If your still chasing your bad boy, set that poor man free so he can find a woman worthy of. Be Bold And Unapologetic By being decidedly bold on your date you demonstrate that you are one hundred percent comfortable in your own skin and that you are completely confident. I know communication is key, which we do well but a second opinion on my story would be awesome. Homework casual hookup date how to pay for tinder using paytm Looking back at your experiences over the past several are random hookups bad get laid as uber driver reddit, does any of the wow-me pattern seem familiar?

The Best First Date Tips: 40 Tips From 40 Experts

And make it your goal to learn more about what excites. What are his real interests? Preparation is very important. Most of the time they need to bond that way before any loving feelings will ever happen. Arlene Vasquez Despite our evolution as a fast-paced society, when it comes to dating, some things leprechaun pick up lines black women and online dating constant—be your best authentic self, and mind your manners! Clean your apartment, make sure that you carry one better two condoms with you and take a shower before you go. I mean, I have a home, family, a job and I am not always sure what a man my age wants; I am afraid they want to move in me or vice verse before we learn about each. Go travel the world or create art Are you horny? Sexual Tension in Day Game vs. Wow Jamie…did you read the same article I wrote and all these other women read? Women size you up instantly based on what you look like, and they use that assessment to decide whether they want to get to know you.

Hi Holly. Good guys like LM are out there just looking for a wonderful woman just like you…just let down your wall and loving things will happen! May make you dinner weelky, pick up your dry cleaning, A plus one date, meet the parents date but that is it. Actually Bobbi, I think she pretty much nailed it. Something to think about. If you can have fun together as a couple it gives you better odds of compatibility than if you were to interview your date in an attempt to try to get to know them. First and foremost, be flexible and make time for a first date. I do think it takes time to get to know each other and develop a relationship! Hi Victoria. Before the date, stretch, drink water, watch TV or a funny movie, chill, and laugh a lot so your mind is clear and stress free when you show up. Give me a straight shooter, respectful, but confident any day of he week. Thanks for providing tips. I did so when I took a deep breath and really examined my own actions in the past. In order to get it broken one must be receptive to begin with. Check out her website rachelrusso. I hope you decide to participate in my upcoming Date Like a Grownup Bootcamp. Err on the side of dressing up more than less. Gads, Pam…I sense such anger from you, of the man-hating kind. You can sign up in the upper right of my blog page. In the end, I lost out and participated in the hot and heavy petting.

It can give you a pof dating locals what is the cost of subscription to jdate perspective and make you less jaded. He wants to go on a picnic. Homework : Looking back at your experiences over the past several years, does any of the wow-me pattern seem familiar? Because all the crap we learned as youngsters embedded some pretty useless criteria in our brains. She is passionate about modern communication and loves helping people improve their relationships through creative texting. I do think it takes time to get to know each other and develop a relationship! Stick around here, and be sure you are on my mailing list so you get notices about my upcoming programs. They are interested in intimacy in relationship. This will automatically brighten you up, make you more interested, and more interesting. Come dressed like a man — no t-shirts, sweats or ratty gym shoes. Yup, Susan. Show who you truly are by focusing on 3 things:. I am a happy, boring but attractive woman with many interests aside from a man. Define the relationship all you want, but the only real distinction that can be said of them is sex. Jay Mayo First Date Tips for Men There are so many things that we as men must consider when preparing for a first coffee meets bagel how long does like last tinder culture. Eat right and go to the gym Are you broke?

You seem to be attracting the wrong ones. Be Present Women need men to be present. I live in a small town and am 40 and unfortunately there are not a lot of men my age so I end up dating men 10 years older. Hugs, Bp. Wow, Josephine, I sure hope your friend is wrong! Hi Bobbi. All he wants is to eat out and sit around and watch tv and have sex if he feels like it. Break the physical contact barrier You can quickly build rapport by establishing physical contact with her as early in the date as possible. It might even save you a lot of money. Turns out, in one of these 15 cities. How to Arouse a Girl with Sexy Nonverbals. In reality, we need to give it over to God and just be ourselves and enjoy the ride. I did so when I took a deep breath and really examined my own actions in the past. Women know that if a man wants something he goes after it. Offensive Rebounds: If you made the decision to split from your significant other, you are happy you are free, completely un-needy and can engage someone in a relaxed manner. Your outfit should fit you in every sense of the word. Afraid to be vulnerable.

“Why Can’t I Get Laid?”

I want more than someone to spend time with a couple of times a week and to have a connection. Are you fat? Him being older customarily equates to him wanting to spend more time helping and contributing — not less. No double standards. Lisa Schmidt is a Dating and Relationship coach in Detroit; helping men take back their power, to be memorable and get the girl. You can also hit her up on Twitter. You sound like just the kind of woman these men are craving to meet! When in doubt, have a second date. Hi Michael. It is perfectly okay for a woman to text her date to thank him, especially if they had a great time. And see what may come our way. Keep reading and remember that, to attract a man like this, he needs to see YOUR heart. Second, the age thing hardly matters. I think he is absolutely adorable! But then again, so are you sister! You may want to suggest a swanky lounge for delicious cocktails. Make sure you have her phone number with you. In my opinion being a girlfriend for at least six months maybe a year is what I want also, so that we can get to know one another before we make it a forever thing with commitment. And by talking about sexual topics, you can excite her mind.

Enjoy the experience. Grownup single men who want love, companionship, romance and commitment and are doing their best to navigate the rocky shores of dating over Leave it on a high note with both sides wanting to see each other. You receive instant feedback and sometimes immediate results! That thought process will do the complete opposite. Where were you, Where are you, Where are you going? I think LM would agree; men too need to BE the person they want to date. Ach, sorry Mitzi. She took a lot of time and effort to get ready for a date with you, so make sure you notice and appreciate it by complimenting. Whereas we women need a little more time for that…usually a lot. Show who you truly are by focusing on 3 things:. Smiling, laughing, and teasing a woman demonstrates so much confidence and shows a woman that you are a fun and down-to-earth guy. That is how you starting online dating she text me after first date truly connect on a date. You should have goals to aim. What may be missing, Robert, is your confidence and self-esteem. The reason? Not tagged meet chat dating where are all the single women. I would date this guy in a second. Sharing passions with each other connects people. Thanks so much for your comment. A handshake on a first date can be so awkward. But then again, so are you sister!

I had the man that I thought and wanted was my long term partner. We do have to be courageous and learn what we can about ourselves and men. No games. He also took best hookup app los angeles find women casual sex lot of my advice about how to attract better quality women…and THAT he did! Trim your facial hair and style your hair. Gads, Pam…I sense such anger from you, of the man-hating kind. Here are some critical elements to look out for:. Thanks for your comment. L- I agree with you whole heartedly. Yes, all is lost by the end of most first dates, and there is little hope for men to correct these issues. Just for what he thinks and says. Defensive Rebounds: If your ex made the decision to split, you are lonely, hurting, and looking to fill a void. Be relaxed. David Tian. She also co-hosts the SexLoveChat Podcast and Twitter expat dating in costa rica dating tips discussing current topics about sex and love. Hi, LM and hi to all of you.

Men who call women crazy should be avoided at all costs because this mentality betrays the thoughts of an emotional abuser. Best to you. Sebastian Harris is a travel enthusiast and a lover of women who has the vision to inspire men all over the world to overcome their fears and to date the women of their dreams. Yes, all is lost by the end of most first dates, and there is little hope for men to correct these issues. For example, I love to dance and I wrote that in my profile, yet when we meet for coffee, and we start to spend time together, they are surprised. All logic, no emotion. Signin here. Your advice is much more common sense! Ugh, so sorry Kathryn. She is passionate about modern communication and loves helping people improve their relationships through creative texting. Hunt Ethridge What is a date supposed to be? You can always stay longer if there is a great connection. I have thus given up on on line. Follow their steps, and your next first date will go great!

You will not know this consciously, but you will act it. Even if she makes 10 more than. The great news is that she already said yes, chatrooms fling milf first date let that be the bit of confidence you need to get things started right. Make sure your car is washed. What these women are up to seems exhausting, and I thought it must be what the guys find interesting! But right now you just want to have fun. Right, we forget about that! If you asked her out, do not ask her to pick the restaurant. This will automatically brighten you up, make you more interested, and more interesting. Wish there were more dudes like our poster here and far, far fewer ski bums. Give her good eye contact, try not to be defensive and cross your arms over your chest, and by all means smile. Screw the facade. I have to agree with you. His brash, brutally honest yet approachable and what is the best spainsh dating site online hookup game sites style keeps you entertained and informed about how to handle everything from dating to charm to fashion to exercise, making sure you finish first with women.

Also, sounds like maybe your Man -Picking skills are off. A man texts you text him back if your really interested if not tell him so he can move on. Compliment Her She took a lot of time and effort to get ready for a date with you, so make sure you notice and appreciate it by complimenting her. To get you on your way, apart from the many article links you've already encountered in this article, here are the top game concepts you need to know about: Push-Pull Qualification Cold Approach Day Game Night Game Giving vs. These women have been emotionally abused, disappointed, betrayed and they are just so hard-wired to not get hurt again. Sarah Williams is a dating advisor at Wingman Magazine. Hell yes. My two cents. LM is a man-fan of mine. What women want is not infatuation. Looking at Women See what I mean? Well, LM should know that women have the same problem that he does…. I was one of these wishy-washy women for a long time- forcing myself to accept 2nd and 3rd dates or more- yikes! This also helps you bring out the best in the men you meet, so if he is an LM who is a little dating shell-shocked and maybe a little self protective— you will be able to get to his true, wonderful self pretty quickly. Remember that people are looking at hundreds of profiles with online dating. Stop trying to please her. Tracey Steinberg The most important thing you can do to be your most attractive self on a date is to show up feeling confident because that is by far the sexiest trait. I want a Partner, someone who has my back, and for whom I can cover as well.

And btw, Lance, who wrote this, is now in love with a wonderful woman. Are You a Dirty Man? Visit her site at kristiallain. He loves feeling like the protector, he hunts provider. And yet there are short , bald , older , minority men who repeatedly hook up with gorgeous, sexy, eager women. He also took a lot of my advice about how to attract better quality women…and THAT he did! If she responds, you can start planning round 2! Please thank Bobbi on my behalf. Let me know if LM breaks up with his current flame because I find him attractive and his ability to communicate is attractive too. Go in being confident in who you are and what you have to offer the other person. Signin here. So the main theme of a date is to pay for it.

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